John 1:1-18 Prologue

In John 1:1-18, we follow the chiastic structure of John’s prologue to consider the major themes that will play out in his gospel, regarding the nature of Jesus, the nature of faith, and the nature of discipleship.

P25 Deuteronomy 4-11 Listen and Love

In the twenty-fifth lesson of the Pentateuch series, we consider the chiastic structure of the first theological exhortation section of Deuteronomy, chapters 4-11, and also consider the themes of exclusive faithfulness, self-awareness, and right motives in relation to the overarching theme of covenant obedience.

P24 Deuteronomy Form and Structure

In the twenty-fourth lesson of the Pentateuch series, we get a handle on the overall structure of Deuteronomy by considering how style, form, and structure are developed through the three literary devices of discourse by Moses, suzerain-vassal treaty, and chiastic parallelism.

Summer Break

We are taking a one-month break at observetheword for vacation and teaching. We will be back later in August to finish the Pentateuch series with the book of Deuteronomy. Next up after that, we will take on the Gospel of John. Thank you for observing the Word with us!

P23 ANE Parallels

In the twenty-third lesson of the Pentateuch series, we pause between the books of Numbers and Deuteronomy to consider the issue of biblical parallels with Ancient Near Eastern texts, such as the flood story from the Gilgamesh Epic and the creation narrative from Enuma Elish. How do we explain parallel accounts of events, ideas, and rituals that occur outside the Bible?

P22 Numbers 22-25 Balaam Blesses Israel

In the twenty-second lesson of the Pentateuch series, we make the transition from the Grumbling Generation to the Second Generation with a concentrated look at the intriguing story of Balaam Blessing Israel, better known as Balaam and the donkey.