John 17.20-26 Jesus Prays for Us

In John 17:20-26, Jesus prays for us, for all who will believe because of the apostles’ witness, and as he prays, Jesus describes his vision for unity and witness in Christian communities based on the truth of God’s name and reality of abiding in him.

John 13.21-38 A New Commandment

In John 13:21-38 Jesus issues a new commandment for his disciples to love one another even as he has loved them. The command comes in a somber atmosphere as Jesus announces his plan to leave the disciples and foretells of his betrayal and denial.

John 12 The Hour of Glory has Come

In John 12 Jesus declares “the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. This is the conclusion to the first part of the Gospel, chapters 2-12, which we have titled The Word Among Us and, at the same time, the introduction to the second part of the Gospel, chapters 13-20, which we have titled The Hour of His Glory. 

John 11 I am the Resurrection and the Life

In John 11 Jesus provides a sign that points directly to himself as the Resurrection and the Life. He raises Lazarus from the dead to affirm the truth that life in this world is experienced through walking with him and life in the next becomes a reality through believing in him.