Christmas Break

We are taking a four week break for Christmas. May the Lord bless you as you celebrate this incredible reality that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us! The John podcast will return January 15 to begin our next major section of the Gospel, “Jesus Challenges the Darkens and the Darkness Resists,” chapters 5-10.

John 4.43-54 Healing the Nobleman’s Son

In John 4:43-54, Jesus is received without being received just as in chapter 2 many had believed without believing. The harvest field does not appear to be as white in Galilee as it was in Samaria. Still, the nobleman and his household indicate there are some in Galilee who truly believe.

John 2:1-12 Water to Wine

In John 2:1-12, we begin part 1 section 1 Jesus Revealed with the first sign which was performed at a wedding in Cana. We consider both the big obvious lettering on the sign and also the smaller, easier to miss lettering.