
Personal interaction with the Word of God changes you. The resources on this site exist to help you observe, interpret and apply the text of Scripture. The goal is to help establish you in the gospel of Jesus Christ and help transform you as you live in the obedience of your faith.

Michael Brent works for the Croatian organization Udruga Fokus (known as Agape in Europe and Cru in the United States). Michael helps provideĀ  Biblical and Theological development for staff and volunteers in Croatia and Europe. Michael’s eighteen years of ministry to college students grounds his teaching in real life experience. Michael and his wife Brenda joined staff with Cru in 1992 and haveĀ  served with Cru in Croatia since 1997. They live in Zagreb. Michael earned his bachelor’s degree in Philosophy of Science from North Carolina State University and a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

The podcast lessons on the Pentateuch, John, Acts and Romans reflect actual courses Michael teaches for the biblical and theological development of Agape Europe/Cru staff. The podcast format allows for additional coverage of the biblical text without the time limits of a classroom setting. Michael chose to focus on the book of Isaiah as an additional resource for his Old Testament Survey II course and the Sermon on the Mount as a resource for an upcoming Ethics course.

Michael’s driving ambition is faithfully teach the Biblical text in a way that motivates believers to love God with their mind and with their heart and with their strength.