In John 5:1-30, we listen to Jesus’ speech after the healing of a lame man and ask, “Is Jesus really claiming to be equal with God in power and authority? And if so, what does that mean about the nature of God?”
John 4.43-54 Healing the Nobleman’s Son
In John 4:43-54, Jesus is received without being received just as in chapter 2 many had believed without believing. The harvest field does not appear to be as white in Galilee as it was in Samaria. Still, the nobleman and his household indicate there are some in Galilee who truly believe.
John 4.27-42 Conversation with a Samaritan, part 2
In John 4:27-42, we consider the effect of Jesus’ gospel conversation on the Samaritan woman, the disciples and the Samaritan villagers.
John 4.1-26 Conversation with a Samaritan, part 1
In John 4:1-26, we listen in and learn from Jesus Christ principles for sharing the good news.
John 3.22-36 Witness of John the Baptist
In John 3:22-36, we reconsider symmetry in the structure of John. We also focus in on the center of chapters 2-4, the second testimony from John the Baptist, and apply that testimony as a heart check to our own service for God.
John 3.1-21 Conversation with Nicodemus
In John 3:1-21, an influential, religious leader comes to Jesus at night, and though he has everything going for him, he cannot see the light Jesus reveals. But maybe we can.
John 2.13-25 Multitude at the Passover
In John 2:13-25, Jesus clears out the temple revealing truth about himself and motivating three different responses from Jewish leaders, his disciples, and people in the crowd.
John 2.1-12 Water to Wine
In John 2:1-12, we begin part 1 section 1 Jesus Revealed with the first sign which was performed at a wedding in Cana. We consider both the big obvious lettering on the sign and also the smaller, easier to miss lettering.
John 1.19-51 Introduction
In John 1:19-51, we start by considering the overall structure of day before moving on to the four days of witness described in this introduction to the narrative.
John 1.1-18 Prologue
In John 1:1-18, we follow the chiastic structure of John’s prologue to consider the major themes that will play out in his gospel, regarding the nature of Jesus, the nature of faith, and the nature of discipleship.
P29 Deuteronomy 12-26 King Priest Prophet
In the twenty-ninth lesson of the Pentateuch series, we complete our series, considering three aspects of deuteronomic law code with an emphasis on the laws for leadership found at the center of the book, the laws of king, priest, and prophet.
P28 Deuteronomy 27-30 Listen and Love and Live
In the twenty-eighth lesson of the Pentateuch series, we examine the relationship between covenant obedience, covenant blessing, and covenant curse in the theological exhortation chapters of Deuteronomy 27-30 with a focus on the call to listen, love, and live.
P27 Deuteronomy 5.1-16 Ten Commandments – Love God
In the twenty-seventh lesson of the Pentateuch series, we continue to follow Jesus’ lead in the Sermon on the Mount as a guide for understanding the Ten Commandments as a moral paradigm for the whole law. Our focus in this lesson is on the first half of the Ten Commandments with a focus on loving God.
P26 Deuteronomy 5.17-21 Ten Commandments – Love people
In the twenty-sixth lesson of the Pentateuch series, we follow Jesus’ lead in the Sermon on the Mount as a guide for understanding the Ten Commandments as a moral paradigm for the whole law. Our focus in this lesson is on the second half of the Ten Commandments.
P25 Deuteronomy 4-11 Listen and Love
In the twenty-fifth lesson of the Pentateuch series, we consider the chiastic structure of the first theological exhortation section of Deuteronomy, chapters 4-11, and also consider the themes of exclusive faithfulness, self-awareness, and right motives in relation to the overarching theme of covenant obedience.